Ways to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Contents

Whether your website revolves around affiliate links or digital products, you need traffic. In the first place, you have done a great job by creating a fascinating blog only to find no visitors. Don’t fret because you are not alone. Attracting more traffic to your site is demanding, that is why you need to learn search engine optimization.

However, upset begin when you see so many SEO experts slithering around, making it sound hard to grasp. Today, you’ll learn that search engine optimization is a straightforward work. In general, your first objective is to figure out the intent of search engines. Here, they ensure users receive search results as accurately as possible. In other words, the algorithm ensures content users receive from a search query is relevant. That is the golden rule of getting organic traffic from search engines or social media.

Moreover, if you provide useful blog contents that users are searching, they will:

  • Stay on your site for longer because it has a clear purpose proposition.
  • Interact with more pages of your website (bounce rate).
  • Convert to customers by revisiting your site.
  • Share to social media, tweet and like your content

The above action gives Google, yahoo, and other search engines the green light to rank your blog on top.

How search engine works

Search engines use three main steps to gauge your blog content if it’s worth staying on top of search results. Firstly, they visit your website or blog to create an index of all content you have. Here, the robots will crawl your sites and understand every page.

 Secondly, they will check on links from other websites or blogs that are talking or linking to your blog. Usually, they count this as votes and having more links from authority sites referring to your blog, the better.

Lastly, they rely on social share and how your blog content is receiving hits from them. That is how a blog content gets more votes if the social share is high.

White-hat SEO vs. Black-hat SEO

White and black hat seo

There are two ways you can SEO your blog content. This article is about white-hat SEO.  Usually, white-hat SEO is the practice to improve your blog search ranking by using honest tips and techniques. But, black-hat SEO is the opposite and involves the use of dubious means to trick the search engine.

How do you get your blog content on top of search engine results?

Choose the right keyword that fits your niche

They say content is king, but you can have great content that people don’t search online. Undoubtedly, the result is bitter because you’ll never get organic traffic from the search engine.

Your first search engine optimization strategy is to look for keywords and phrases. Here, you will concentrate on things such as:

  • Keyword monthly search volume. It enables you to identify the potential number of visitors per month who look for that keyword.
  • Low competition. Many businesses fail to get more traffic because they use keywords difficult to rank.

We have many keyword research tools out there, but the Google keyword planner is more reliable.

Target long-tail keywords

Why long tail?

Usually, long-tail keywords are those three or more keyword phrases that relate to the main keyword. They have low traffic and speak about a specific thing you are selling or want to share. In most cases, you’ll find the majority of content creators going for single generic keywords. It makes long-tail more lucrative because the competition is minimal.

Create SEO friendly blog post content

how to write a blog

According to Google webmaster in SEO starter guidelines, you have to create high-quality content to enjoy ranking. Here, no amount of social media marketing will work magic if your content is not suitable for your visitors.

How do you know that your content is of high quality? It should be:

  • Readable. Using images and videos in between your post
  • Usable. Your blog content should provide clear answers to the user’s query.
  • Shareable. Thought-provoking, original, and well written. 

Page titles and keywords

Page titles and keywords are one of the critical factors to look after when doing on-page SEO. In particular, having keyword at the page title improves your chances of ranking higher. Likewise, it would be best if you took your time to create a page title because a great one can make a difference.

In summary, your page title should have keywords so that search engines group them in the right place. A good title is one that drives visitors to your site or makes visitors click your link.

Optimize your images

Having striking images in your blog content will help you drive more direct traffic from image searches. Again, if your content is available on social media, more visitors will click that image to your site.

Social media marketing

Social signal is very crucial for the search engine when determining which sites to rank on top. For example, two blog content can have the same quality, but the one with a higher social share will ranks high. Make sure you have a sharing button for major networks.

Additionally, it would help if you explored hidden niche social networks such as triberr to double your traffic. We also have many networks where you can join and become a member.  Here, you will network with other bloggers who have similar interests and share posts.

Do more of link building

ways to build links

The game is simple: the more links you get, the higher your blog content rank on search results. But, make sure you use a variety of types of links and are from an authority site.


The world of search engine optimization requires doing and following simple webmaster guides. For example, you should avoid having duplicate content at all costs. Again, try as much as possible to have inbound links in your blog content. Last, make sure you explore the search analytics report to help you learn more about your visitors.

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